
 هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَّـكُمۡ وَاَنۡـتُمۡ لِبَاسٌ لَّهُنَّؕ
They are your garments and you are their garments. 
Quran 2:187



This is actually a new French-born tradition known as Diner en Blanc (Dinner in White). The first official Dîner en Blanc took place in the Parc de Bagatelle, Paris in 1988. A gentlemen named François Pasquier invited a few friends to the Bois de Boulogne one day in June on his return to France after being abroad. The list of friends was long, so he asked everyone to wear white so they could find each other. The epicurean event has been replayed annually ever since and become world-renowned for its sophisticated mystique and elegant imagery.


This is not 'everyday life' - it's a very special covenant. We are bringing together a dozen cultures and several generations from around the world to a remarkable place. We want to highlight this unique time by asking everyone to wear formal white attire. The color white represents new beginnings and serenity. Plus the visual effect is stunning! Everyone will look elegant in white against the azure water and historic Belle Rives facade. 

Specifically, we hope to see you in the suggested attire:

- Men: all-white or off-white suit or tuxedo with a black bow-tie or skinny tie
- Women: formal white dress
- Formal cultural attire in white is acceptable
- Dress shoes or heels

These are only suggestions. Your comfort is paramount so keep in mind that it may be warm/hot. This is a celebration of families and friendships that have turned to gold - white gold. This is about you.